Primula acaulis or commonly know as English Primrose
Also known as English primrose, primula or common primrose, primula acaulis is a spring bloomer available in a variety of bright colors,...
Can I grow this plant in a low light lobby?
We often turn to one of our favorite blog writters to answer many of our questions presented by our clients. Let's pass this one off to...
Blog question from a client in NYC
Dear NYGardener/blog What is the white stem at top of this green plant? Background on Dracaena Fragrans Most of the time you find...
Look close, Spring is in the air!!!
When it seems like winter will never lose its icy grip, the dainty crocus pushes through the snow to put on a show of colorful revival....
Helleborus (A must for every garden)Sometimes blooms from Christmas till Easter...
Common Name: hellebore Type: Herbaceous perennial Family: Ranunculaceae Native Range: Turkey, European Zone: 4 to 9 Height: 1.00 to 1.50...
Early Spring blooming gem.
The witch hazel bush (Hamamelis virginiana) is a small tree with fragrant yellow blooms that is a member of the Hamanelidacease family...
Walking stick covered in ice!
. If you have this curious-looking, wonderfully whimsical shrub growing in your yard, you know how unique a landscape feature it is. ...
This is going viral! Watch it now. Living Plants.... The next big thing in technology is a really old thing: The Living Plant!...
How do I take care of my Valentine's Day flowers?
Re-cut the stems at an angle removing at least an inch of the stem. Always use a sharp knife or clippers rather than scissors as this...
Cemetery wreaths recycled into an energy source on Long Island
Covanta Energy helps collect the holiday remembrances from veterans cemeteries across Long Island. The wreaths will generate over 7,000 ...
Top Horticultural attraction near home! "Longwood Gardens" P.A. is a year round paradise. A View Unlike Any Other: Orchid Extravaganza By Jim Sutton, on January 21, 2019 As Longwood’s Associate...
Why our wreaths are so special?
Many of our clients ask, Why do your fresh wreaths last so long on our front door?? . Our secret is simple, we create each and every...
Vivid Poinsettias display!
This lobby needed color, with the simple addition of a few lush colorful poinsettias, the lobby came to life! Thanks so much, Neil B....
Recent letter from client: Dear Earthborn, We have been ordering a "fresh garden to table mixed wreath" for over 19 years with you guys...